{ "PTZProjection": "Panoramic View", "activeDevice": "Activation", "add": "Add", "alarm": "Alarm", "allTypes": "All Types", "analogChannel": "Analog Camera", "answer": "Answer", "application": "Application", "audioDetection": "Audio Exception Detection", "audioOn": "Audio On", "auto": "Auto", "auxFocus": "Auxiliary Focus", "browse": "Browse", "camera": "Camera", "cancel": "Cancel", "capture": "Capture", "captureFailed": "Capture failed.", "captureSucceeded": "Capture succeeded.", "channelNo": "Channel No.", "checkMethod": "Verification Mode", "cleanup": "Clear", "command": "Command", "complete": "Complete", "config": "Configuration", "confirm": "Confirm", "confirmLogout": "Logout?", "continuous": "Continuous", "country": "Country", "createFileFailed": "Fail to create a file.", "custom": "Custom", "delete": "Delete", "deleteSuccess": "Deleted.", "deviceActived": "Operation failed. The device has already been activated.", "digitalChannel": "IP Camera", "disable": "Disable", "disableZoom": "Disable e-PTZ", "downloadPlugin": "Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in.", "enable": "Enable", "enableZoom": "Enable e-PTZ", "endTime": "End Time", "event": "Event", "excutePreset": "Call", "export": "Export", "exportFailed": "Exporting failed.", "exportGuidFile": "Export GUID File", "exportOK": "Exporting succeeded.", "faceDetection": "Face Detection", "fastMoveDetect": "Fast Moving Detection", "fileName": "File Name", "fileSize": "File Size", "fireDet": "Fire Source Detection", "focus": "Focus", "fullFrameRate": "Full Frame Rate", "fullScreen": "Full Screen", "goodPwd": "Strong", "guidFileCheck": "GUID File Verification", "guidFileUnmatch": "GUID file mismatches.", "help": "Help", "high": "High", "import": "Import", "intelligent": "VCA Recording", "intrusionDetect": "Intrusion Detection", "invalidOperation": "Invalid operation.", "iris": "Iris", "items": "Items", "lastStep": "Previous", "lensInit": "Lens Initialization", "light": "Light", "lineCrossDetect": "Line Crossing Detection", "lockTimeTips": "Device will be locked after %s attempt(s).", "logout": "Logout", "loiterDetect": "Loitering Detection", "low": "Low", "mainStream": "Main Stream", "manual": "Manual", "medium": "Medium", "menu": "Menu", "methodError": "Method error.", "minute": "min", "modifyPwd": "Modify Password", "motion": "Motion", "motionAndAlarm": "Motion & Alarm", "motionOrAlarm": "Motion | Alarm", "moveDown": "Move Down", "moveUp": "Move Up", "mute": "Mute", "networkError": "Network Abnormal", "neverSetQATip": "No answer is set for security question.", "newPwd": "New Password", "nextStep": "Next", "noEnoughSpace": "No enough space.", "noMoreLength": "Length cannot exceed %s", "noPermission": "No permission.", "noPlugin": "No plug-in detected.", "noRecordFiles": "No record file.", "noResources": "Inadequate resources.", "normalPwd": "Medium", "notChar": "Invalid characters: ", "notSupport": "The camera does not support the function.", "nullTips": "The item cannot be empty.", "objectRemovalDetect": "Object Removal Detection", "ok": "OK", "openSoundFailed": "Audio on failed.", "originalPicture": "Original View", "parkDetect": "Parking Detection", "passNotMatch": "Passwords do not match.", "password": "Password", "passwordValidTips": "Valid password range [8-16]. You can use a combination of numbers, lowercase, uppercase and special character for your password with at least two kinds of them contained.", "path": "Path", "patrol": "Patrol", "patrolPath": "Patrol Path", "patrolSpeed": "Speed", "pattern": "Pattern", "pause": "Pause", "peopleGatherDetect": "People Gathering Detection", "picture": "Picture", "playSnapShot": "Playback Capture", "playback": "Playback", "pos": "POS", "posOff": "Not Display Transaction Information", "posOn": "Display Transaction Information", "preset": "Preset", "preview": "Live View", "previewFailed": "Live view failed.", "ptz": "PTZ", "ptzSpeed": "PTZ Speed", "questionList": { "number1": "Your father's name.", "number10": "Your favorite book.", "number11": "Your favorite color.", "number12": "Your favorite movie.", "number13": "Your favorite flower.", "number14": "The brand of your first mobile phone.", "number15": "The destination of your first flight.", "number2": "Your mother's name.", "number3": "Your senior class teacher's name.", "number4": "Your junior class teacher's name.", "number5": "The name of the roommate you most familiar with.", "number6": "Who influences your most.", "number7": "Your favorite celebrity.", "number8": "Your favorite automobile brand.", "number9": "Your favorite game." }, "regionEntranceDetect": "Region Entrance Detection", "regionExitDetect": "Region Exiting Detection", "reset": "Reset", "resetPassword": "Reset Password", "resetPasswordIllegal": "Resetting password is illegal.", "riskPwd": "Risk", "riskPwdTips": "Your password is weak. Please use a strong password to ensure your information security. Continue?", "sTimeEarlierETime": "The start time should be earlier than the end time.", "sTimeLaterETime": "The start time cannot be later than or equal to end time.", "saveSucceeded": "Save succeeded.", "sceneChangeDetection": "Scene Change Detection", "search": "Search", "searchRecordFailed": "Failed to search video files.", "searching": "Searching...", "seconds": "s", "securityQACfg": "Security Question Configuration", "securityQuestion": "Security Question", "securityQuestionCfgNumError": "The answer quantity is wrong.", "securityQuestionCheck": "Security Question Verification", "securityQuestionUnMatch": "Wrong answer.", "securityStat": "Security", "selectFile": "Select File", "serialNumber": "No.", "set": "Set", "setNewPassword": "Set New Password", "setParamFailed": "Failed to set parameters.", "shipsDet": "Ship Detection", "start": "Start", "start3DZoom": "Start 3D Zoom", "startManualTrack": "Start Manual Tracking", "startRecording": "Start recording", "startTime": "Start Time", "stop": "Stop", "stop3DZoom": "Stop 3D Zoom", "stopManualTrack": "Stop Manual Tracking", "stopRecording": "Stop recording", "streamType": "Stream Type", "subStream": "Sub Stream", "talkChannel": "Two-way Audio Channel", "thick": "Deep", "thin": "Sharp", "thirdStream": "Third Stream", "time": "Time", "tip": "Note", "total": "Total", "track": "Pattern", "transcodedStream": "Transcoded Stream", "unattendedBaggageDetect": "Unattended Baggage Detection", "updateNotWin32": "New version of plug-in is detected, please contact your vendor to update.", "updatePlugin": "New version of plug-in is detected. Update it?", "useDefaultPwd": "Use Admin Password", "userLock": "The device is locked. Please try again after %s %s.", "username": "User Name", "verificationCode": "Verification Code", "verificationCodeConfirm": "Confirm Verification Code", "waitActive": "Inactive", "waitTips": "Please wait...", "wanNotSupportQAorGuid": "Unable to set security question or export GUID file in different local area network.", "weakPwd": "Weak", "weakPwdTips": "Simple", "wiper": "Wiper", "zoom": "Zoom", "reservedMailbox": "Reserved E-mail", "EmailCheck": "E-mail Verification", "noSecurityEmailTips": "No reserved e-mail address exists. You cannot use this way for verification.", "emailResetPwdStep1": "1. Export the QR code, and send it to %s as attachment.", "emailResetPwdStep2": "2. You will receive a verification code within 5 Min in your reserved e-mail %s after the request is sent.", "emailResetPwdStep3": "3. Enter verification code into the following text field.", "accountSecuritySetting": "Account Security Settings", "noRecongnizeUSB": "No USB flash drive is detected. Insert USB flash drive again. ", "noSetSecurityEmail": "Security E-mail address is not set.", "unopenedHighResolutionMode": "Ultra HD resolution mode is disabled.", "accessFroDeviceParamFailure": "Failed to get channel parameters.", "accessFroDeviceStreamFailure": "Failed to get stream.", "tooSmallQuota": "Quota space is too small.", "emailFormatError": "E-mail format error.", "securityCodeFormatError": "Security code format error.", "browserNoSupportTips": "QR code preview not supported. The Web browser version is too old. Please click Export to export the QR code.", "exportQrCode": "Export QR Code", "reservedEmailTips": "Used for resetting password. When resetting password, send the QR code to the server and a verification code will be sent to your reserved email address. Use that code to reset the admin password.", "privacyPolicyForReservedEmail": "To reset the password by Reserved Email, you should provide your email address and the requesting information to Hikvision. Please click on the link and read our %s carefully , you will be deemed to have been fully accepted it by clicking “OK”. If you have any questions, please close this page and choose other types.", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "thermometryAlarm": "Temperature Measurement Alarm", "thermometryEarlyWarning": "Temperature Measurement Pre-alarm", "thermometryDiffAlarm": "Temperature Difference Alarm", "sameSQAnswerTips": "The question can not be the same.", "syncPlayback": "Synchronous", "asyncPlayback": "Asynchronous", "webCloseTips": "Failed to connect to device, reopen the window.", "monday": "Mon", "tuesday": "Tue", "wednesday": "Wed", "thursday": "Thu", "friday": "Fri", "saturday": "Sat", "sunday": "Sun", "deviceError": "Device error.", "deviceNo": "Device No.", "software": "Software", "hardware": "Hardware", "wall": "Wall", "ceiling": "Ceiling", "rebootDeviceTip": "Do you want to reboot the unit?", "rebooting": "Rebooting...", "faceCapture": "Face Capture", "parkingType": "Parking", "direction": "Direction", "positionNo": "Camera No.", "captureTime": "Capture Time", "plateNo": "Plate No.", "blackType": "Black List", "whiteType": "White List", "searchConditions": "Search Conditions", "pirAlarm": "PIR Alarm", "wirelessAlarm": "Wireless Alarm", "emergencyAlarm": "Emergency Alarm", "vehicleDetection": "Vehicle Detection", "provinceAbbreviation": "Province/State Abbreviation", "all": "All", "plateNumber": "Plate No.", "timeSlotList": "Duration List", "timeOverlapping": "The dates are duplicated or overlapped!", "anonymous": "Anonymous", "loginError": "User name or password is incorrect." }